Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Make at Home: Refreshing Mouthwash

I have been making my own personal care products for the last few months and have had mixed results.  Occasionally something will turn out better than what I have been buying.  There have also been times I have had to throw my concoction out and start over, or repurpose it (for example sticky lotion can become shaving cream).  I mixed up this mouthwash yesterday and am so happy with it!  It really left my mouth minty fresh with a slightly herbal taste.  It is made of simple ingredients and you can tweak it to fit your individual preference.  Here is what I combined in a glass jar:
  • water
  • baking soda (aluminum free if possible)
  • aloe gel
  • vegetable glycerin
  • peppermint oil
  • clove oil
  • lemon oil
  • tea tree oil
I did not measure the ingredients, but this is roughly organized by largest quantity to smallest.  Once combined, shake well and try it!  I had to tweak mine a few times to get that strong peppermint flavor I was looking for.  Make sure to use organic or high quality oils that can be used internally (not labeled external use only).  I found my peppermint oil and baking soda in the baking isle of my grocery store and the rest I have purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs or Whole Foods.  It is so fun to make your own products, especially when they really work well!  I would love to hear what adjustments you have made to make this recipe work for you!

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